RAZ是Reading A-Z推出的分级读物,从AA级别到Z级别,每一个级别都有几十本书,全套有千本,数量是所有分级阅读中最多的,在美国的学校被广泛使用,是美国公立小学训练学生阅读能力的材料。
可是,你知道吗?除了这套大名鼎鼎的RAZ,Reading A-Z还有其它几套分级读物,也是非常适合孩子们学习的,比如今天推荐的这套ScienceA-Z,简称SAZ。
Science A-Z科学的知识体系,全方位多角度地引入儿童认知百科,探索世界。
Science A-Z精心梳理整合了包括Life生命科学、Earth & Space地球与太空、Physical物理科学、Process工程 4大主题,细分成14个小主题,200个门类、超过1000个儿童必备百科知识点。并走遍世界各地,精心拍摄各种灵活、生动的高清照片,辅以专业画家手绘特写精致插图。
Science A-Z is an award-winning curriculum resource that blends science and literacy into one captivating K-6 curriculum. The product delivers thousands of resources in Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, Engineering, and Process Science. In addition to a robust library of multilevel informational texts, Science A-Z also delivers engaging science experiments, hands-on activities, and other collaborative learning opportunities that allow students to think and act like scientists.
Customize and differentiate instruction with multilevel materials in English and Spanish that help satisfy both science and ELA curriculum standards.
Put broad science concepts and core ideas into context with high-interest reading materials and hands-on science experiments.
Easily access background information, answer keys, and cross-curricular extension ideas to continue learning.
Expand students’ understanding of science content, current events, and STEM fields with interactive eResources and additional learning opportunities.